Middle School

St Leonard's College - Middle School

Middle School (years 7 to 9) is an important, and sometimes challenging, time of transition from child to adolescent. Our Middle School programs, curriculum and environment have been specifically designed to assist students’ academic and personal development during this exciting time of change and growth.

St Leonard's College Middle School

Students begin to explore their sense of identity, test their boundaries, and gain an understanding of their potential and place in the world. The things learnt in Middle School can last a lifetime as students explore and discover interests that become lifelong passions.

Our highly experienced Middle School teachers and mentors understand that a balance between firm boundaries and risk-taking is necessary in adolescence. Our specialist staff, including a Middle School Counsellor, support students at every stage of their journey.

Our St Leonard's College Middle School curriculum is informed by world leaders in pedagogy such as Harvard Graduate School of Education and Monash University. We are the only Australian school invited to engage in the OECD 2030 project - The Future of Education. Our curriculum options gradually expand as students move through Middle School, with each individual asked to make choices regarding their own academic programs. Throughout years 7 to 9 a wide range of electives are offered, allowing students to tailor a program to their own interests and passions, and explore a wide range of subjects before they must determine a course for their final years of schooling.

The Middle School experience culminates in the year 9 Community Urban Environment (CUE) program. This experiential learning program offers pastorally led and academically informed activities to enhance students’ understanding of their local community. Students participate in out of classroom activities designed to develop independence, initiative and teamwork, and expose students to new experiences and points of view. The CUE program ends with the Big Experience, a three-week journey within Australia which has a strong focus on service and environmental sustainability.

Virtual Tour

We invite you to take a tour of our facilities to discover more about what we offer our Middle School Students.

Parent Reflection:

"St Leonards College has provided the pastoral care, quality of academic offerings and breadth of cocurricular activities to enable both of our children to find their passions, experience success, feel confident in their own abilities, and crucially, be themselves. Our children have been fortunate enough to attend the College for almost 10 years. As they have progressed, each transition from Junior to Middle to Senior School, brings nervousness and excitement. The College manages these transitions with care; taking into consideration student abilities, student and parent desires, concerns and needs. With 2020 and 2021 experiencing several home-schooling sessions, it is very reassuring to see the children’s loyalty to the College, passion for attending, and their excitement about the range of options Senior School will bring next year.

Matt and Allison Smith, St Leonard's College Parents