St Leonard's College | Independent School Melbourne

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In Year 10 at St Leonard’s College, students transition into Senior School, gaining more elective subject options.”
The Year 10 course guide outlines core and elective subjects, emphasising the importance of selecting a balanced mix for future academic paths.
Year 10 introduces students to a diverse range of subjects in areas such as languages, the arts, and humanities, setting the stage for broader choices in Years 11 and 12, whether pursuing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).
The IBDP offers a comprehensive two-year program, while the VCE allows flexibility with up to 22 semester-length units over two or three years.
Year 10 acts as an important foundation year in the Senior School, aiding our students in making informed decisions for their future academic journey. Elective units in Year 10 also pave the way for success in later VCE units, underscoring the importance of thoughtful planning.